Mint Choc Chip Ice Cream

  • Serves : 4
  • Type : Dessert

When you need something cool and refreshing in the warm summer sun, nothing beats home-made!


  • 750ml single cream 
  • 5  egg yolks beaten
  • 150g  caster sugar 
  • 3 tbsp creme de menthe (or peppermint extract) 
  • 50g  chocolate chips (or roughly chopped chocolate) 

Top tip!

If you like you can add a few drops of green food colouring.


  1. Put the cream, egg yolks and sugar in a saucepan and place over a medium heat stirring frequently to prevent the mixture burning. Heat to just below boiling point which will ensure the egg is cooked and the sugar is dissolved.
  2. Transfer mixture to a jug and allow to cool fully. Mix in the creme de menthe (or peppermint extract) and chocolate, then churn it in an ice cream maker following the manufacturers instructions.