7-hour Leg of Lamb with Garlic & Anchovies

  • Difficulty level : Easy
  • Type : Dinner

British lamb is famed for its flavour, so finding a concentrated lamb stock base that’s as good as Essential Cuisine’s was a real win for us. Developed by chefs and used in many professional kitchens, Essential Cuisine’s incredibly versatile, flavourful stocks give a truly authentic, intense taste. But the proof is in the eating…!


  • leg of lamb on the bone
  • 10 salted anchovy fillets 
  • 12 garlic cloves finely sliced
  • 25ml olive oil 
  • onion sliced
  • celery sticks sliced
  • fennel bulb sliced
  • 200ml dry white wine 
  • 500ml stock made with Essential Cuisine’s Concentrated Lamb Stock


  1. Preheat the oven to 110°C/Gas ¼.
  2. Use a sharp knife to score the fat, making small slits all over the lamb. Insert the garlic and anchovies into the slits.
  3. Using a little olive oil, brown the lamb in a hot roasting tin placed onto the hob. Once browned, remove the lamb from the tin and set aside.
  4. Soften the vegetables in the roasting tin, adding a little more olive oil if required, then add the wine, increase the heat and boil for 2 or 3 minutes.
  5. Place the lamb back into the roasting tin, add the stock and cover with foil.
  6. Cook for 7 hours, checking occasionally: add a little water if necessary so the pan doesn’t dry out.
  7. Tip: Best served with new season Jersey Royal or Lincoln potatoes and tender green vegetables.Recipe kindly supplied by Essential Cuisine.