Carrot & Coconut Cake
For delicious Carrot & Coconut Cake then view our easy to follow recipe here at Lakeland. Each recipe includes photos & full instructions.
For delicious Carrot & Coconut Cake then view our easy to follow recipe here at Lakeland. Each recipe includes photos & full instructions.
Get ready to dust off your apron and start baking for King and country. Whether you’re hosting a regal themed gathering for your loved ones,...
This air fryer sponge cake recipe puts a modern twist on a British classic. Light and fluffy with sweet jam and fresh strawberries, it’s a summer...
Quick and easy to whip up, these chocolate egg brownies are deliciously rich and perfectly gooey. This Easter recipe idea is one of our go-to...
A dozen double-decker bakes, topped with a crop of (sugar) carrots and packed with good-for-you (honest) carrots and raisins. Just the thing for...
Spoil someone important with these delicious cupcakes that are filled with juicy fresh strawberries and topped with a beautiful pink strawberry...
Made by our head chef, Ben, using the
Soft, chewy and loaded with chocolate chips and mini eggs, these fudgy blondies are the fairer cousin of the rich, dark brownie, and every bit as...
A tasty traybake take on the classic Easter cake, packed with dried fruit and zesty peel and topped with toasted marzipan.
Give this wonderful pudding a zesty, spicy Easter twist by using hot cross buns instead of ‘normal’ bread – it’s a cinch to make in the
Hot cross bun loaf, hot cross bun loaf… it might cost you a little more than one or two pennies, but our fruit-packed, lightly spiced, cross-topped...
A clever combination of sweetly creamy and nutty flavours creates these yummy festive treats.Made in our 12 Hole Loose-Based Mini Sandwich Tin.
If you think your guests will want something a little different, here’s a recipe for strawberry shortbread towers. This combines the King’s...
Scotch eggs are a great portable snack for picnics and lunches and they’ve made a bit of a comeback of late, with gourmet versions available in...
It’s surprising how versatile your slow cooker can be! Yes, you can even make a cheesecake in it.Made in our 3.5 Litre Slow Cooker