6 Cobb Smoke Free Barbecue Cobble Fuel Stones
Product number: 52652
Quick lighting, long burning and with minimum smoke, Cobb’s smoke-free cobblestones are ideal for a quick evening barbecue or entertaining friends and family at the weekend.
Unlike bulky bags of charcoal, Cobb’s small stones are easy to store for whenever you need them. Just put them in the cupboard or on a shelf in the garage until required. They are also incredibly efficient: just 1 stone will provide cooking heat in a Cobb BBQ for two whole hours.
When you decide to fire up the BBQ, Cobb’s fast-heating bricks of fuel are ready in a matter of minutes. Not only do they burn hotter than ordinary charcoal, there is no need for firelighters. Instead, the cobblestones are smoke-free after the first 2 minutes, and ready to cook in just 7 minutes, meaning you will be serving up deliciously grilled burgers, sausages and veg in no time at all!
Cobb’s small cobblestones are made from a combination of coconut shell, charcoal and corn starch, making use of a waste products that would otherwise be thrown out.
Although designed for use with Cobb’s own BBQ’s, these cobblestones are suitable for use on any small barbecue.
Product dimensions
13cm (5") Dia. Pack of 6.