Showerhead Nozzle Limescale Remover Cleaner 1L
Product number: 22370
Specially formulated to remove limescale and help improve your shower’s efficiency, this Shower Head Limescale Remover is simple to use and delivers fantastic results.
Removes limescale
However hard we try to keep our showerheads clean, limescale often stays one step ahead of us, especialy in hard water areas. Growing on the inside and clogging up the nozzles, it affects performance and looks unsightly. This solution’s formula acts to dissolve and soften limescale and any additional debris that’s built up in and around your showerhead, helping the water to flow freely and improve your shower’s performance.
Quick and easy to use
Simply immerse your showerhead in a bowl of this solution for 20 minutes, and watch it work its magic... the limescale will shift before your very eyes. Once it’s disappeared or softened, just follow up with a quick scrub and rinse well.
Please note: not for use on copper or brass heads.
Product dimensions
1 litre - 1-2 treatments (depending on size of showerhead). (Not for use on copper or brass heads.), (69.9p per 100ml)