Posh Jacket Potato with Caramelised Red Onion & Bacon
Elevate your jacket potatoes with this delicious recipe - bringing together sweet caramelised red onions and smoky bacon. We use the Lakeland 3 in...
Elevate your jacket potatoes with this delicious recipe - bringing together sweet caramelised red onions and smoky bacon. We use the Lakeland 3 in...
This twist on the classic roast chicken is sure to be a winning recipe in your household. The best part? It can all be made in the Lakeland 2 in 1...
Perfect as a side dish or even a light snack - these spinach and feta parcels can be baked in less than 5 minutes in the
Get ready to dust off your apron and start baking for King and country. Whether you’re hosting a regal themed gathering for your loved ones,...
This air fryer sponge cake recipe puts a modern twist on a British classic. Light and fluffy with sweet jam and fresh strawberries, it’s a summer...
This St. George's Day why not make some classic British crumpets.
Quick and easy to whip up, these chocolate egg brownies are deliciously rich and perfectly gooey. This Easter recipe idea is one of our go-to...
Why not use the Lakeland Pizza Toppings Tray filled with a selection of your favourites, and let your family and friends choose any combination of...
As seen on the recent myLakeland online event with Chris Bavin. Here’s his Lamb Shank recipe. Lamb Shank is a very popular recipe in restaurants and...
A dozen double-decker bakes, topped with a crop of (sugar) carrots and packed with good-for-you (honest) carrots and raisins. Just the thing for...
As seen on the recent myLakeland Live with Chris Bavin. Check out the
There’s something really satisfying about biting into these steamed dumplings to discover the nugget of flavour inside. Paired with a spicy chutney,...
Crack open the whisky, bring out the bagpipes and get ready to pipe in the haggis!
As seen on the recent myLakeland Live with Chris Bavin. Check out the
British lamb is famed for its flavour, so finding a concentrated lamb stock base that’s as good as Essential Cuisine’s was a real win for us....