Classic British Scones
Warm home-made scones with clotted cream and fresh lemon curd are such a treat, and Sue’s step-by-step recipe turns out a delicious dozen that are...
Warm home-made scones with clotted cream and fresh lemon curd are such a treat, and Sue’s step-by-step recipe turns out a delicious dozen that are...
Crisp, crunchy little shortbread shells, filled with citrusy lemon curd and sprinkled with daisies – these mouth-watering, bite-sized treats make a...
These luscious lemony muffins have a gorgeously gooey lemon curd centre and marshmallowy meringue on top, and as our recipe makes a delicious dozen...
Classically British these mini scones with strawberry jam and clotted cream are the perfect afternoon treat.
Move over Mr Turkey, it’s time for our magical swan to take centre stage on the Christmas table! Made using our Small Hemisphere Cake Pan, complete...
Infused with delicate Earl Grey flavours, this simple yet sophisticated cake is perfect for any occasion.