Orange, Thyme & Pine Nut Roasted Chicken for the Remoska
You can cook a lot of things in a Remoska – even a whole (small) chicken! – and our recipe makes a roast bird that’s deliciously moist, bursting...
You can cook a lot of things in a Remoska – even a whole (small) chicken! – and our recipe makes a roast bird that’s deliciously moist, bursting...
Deliciously rich and gooey and chocolatey and so easy to make, this is one of our go-to family-pleasing bakes. Dressed up with little eggs, it...
Fancy rustling up a speedy pudding? Then try this super-quick recipe, where an all-in-one sponge mixture is topped with chocolate hazelnut spread and...
Is it a crumble? Is it a fruit cake? Or a fruity flapjack? Put the best ingredients from all these recipes together, add a little marzipan and...
Easter will be all the sweeter for these scrumptious little nests of chocolate heaven. Chocolate sponge, swirled with chocolate frosting and topped...
Crisp, crunchy little shortbread shells, filled with citrusy lemon curd and sprinkled with daisies – these mouth-watering, bite-sized treats make a...
Quick, easy to make and rich in protein, veg-packed frittatas are a delicious way to reach your five-a-day. Our cooked-in-a-Remoska version uses...
Quick, easy to make and rich in protein, veg-packed frittatas are a delicious way to reach your five-a-day. Our cooked-in-a-
When her family descends on Christmas Eve, our Customer Ambassador Wendy uses her Cobb to cook up a lovely lamb feast outside under the stars, keeping...
Roasties! They certainly get our vote, after all no roast dinner is complete without a handful of crispy golden spuds just waiting to be crunched and...
British lamb is famed for its flavour, so finding a concentrated lamb stock base that’s as good as Essential Cuisine’s was a real win for us....
This sensational fruity dessert features small whole apples, cored and stuffed with grated marzipan, cooked in Yorkshire pudding batter and served...
Made in the Lakeland 12 Hole Loose-Based Mini Sandwich Tin
You may be surprised to know that you can cook soda bread in your slow cooker! Try this festive version, which tastes great served with cheese.Made in...
Quick, easy to make and rich in protein, veg-packed frittatas are a delicious way to reach your five-a-day. Our cooked-in-a-Remoska version uses...
For delicious Carrot & Coconut Cake then view our easy to follow recipe here at Lakeland. Each recipe includes photos & full instructions.