Carrot & Coconut Cake
For delicious Carrot & Coconut Cake then view our easy to follow recipe here at Lakeland. Each recipe includes photos & full instructions.
For delicious Carrot & Coconut Cake then view our easy to follow recipe here at Lakeland. Each recipe includes photos & full instructions.
Get ready to dust off your apron and start baking for King and country. Whether you’re hosting a regal themed gathering for your loved ones,...
This air fryer sponge cake recipe puts a modern twist on a British classic. Light and fluffy with sweet jam and fresh strawberries, it’s a summer...
Quick and easy to whip up, these chocolate egg brownies are deliciously rich and perfectly gooey. This Easter recipe idea is one of our go-to...
A dozen double-decker bakes, topped with a crop of (sugar) carrots and packed with good-for-you (honest) carrots and raisins. Just the thing for...
With a little help from our Hemisphere Cake Pans, and a little decoration, you’ll soon be hatching a new Easter baking tradition in the form of our...
Finished with a crop of the finest (sugar piping) carrots, these cute little bakes are sure to go down a treat at any Easter table. As long as the...
So cute – and so guest-impressing! – these no-bake cheesecakes stack up a multi-coloured Easter treat, and they’re so easy to adapt for other...
The traditional Easter cake, this is perfect served as a teatime treat. Rich, fruit-packed, lightly spiced, with a hidden layer of marzipan running...
Infused with delicate Earl Grey flavours, this simple yet sophisticated cake is perfect for any occasion.
Roll up, roll up, roll up! This delicious cake version of hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream is hard to beat when you’re after a...
Light, flaky, cheesy pastry snaky snacks – just the thing for passing round at Halloween parties.
Take a buttery biscuit base, then top it with grated marzipan and sponge cake dotted with rum-soaked raisins and glacé cherries to make our...
Go green! Serve these cute little green tea-flavoured cakes dusted with icing sugar and a sprinkle of extra matcha powder.Made using OMGTea Japanese...
Matt Adlard aka Topless Baker is a self taught home cook who tries to make the most daunting of recipes seem easy! Topless Baker is all about getting...