Make perfect hand-raised pies

Give your pies a professional all-over, golden glaze with our new range of tins with removable walls, which make it easy to craft traditional raised pies from scratch.

They say that necessity is the mother of invention, and that was certainly the case when Robert Corrigan, Perthshire-based piemaker and founder of Mr C’s Hand-Crafted Pies, was faced with filling an order from a premium London retailer. Needing a faster, cheaper and more efficient way to produce his award-winning hand-raised pies, he approached Birmingham-based bakeware company Silverwood with his modern interpretation of Victorian game pie moulds – and this cleverly-designed range of tins is the result.  width=

Even if you’ve never turned your hand to making pies before, these tins help you turn out mouth-watering masterpieces that the finest food companies would be happy to put their name to. Made from silver-anodised aluminium for even heat distribution and easy clean-up, their shape and construction ensures an even bake. But the unique feature that makes them so perfect for pies is the removable ‘walls’, which lift out to uncover the part-cooked pie for all-round egg washing, before returning it to the oven for final browning. This means that the sides of the pie, as well as its lid, can have that lovely golden glaze so characteristic of traditional British savoury pies.


Raised or hand-raised pies are traditional, deep British pies made from hot water crust pastry that are shaped, or raised, by hand. The best-known example is probably the round Melton Mowbray pork pie, but traditionally they would be oval in shape and filled with a selection of wild game. In Victorian times, raised pies become a popular dish on Boxing Day, filled with layered leftovers from Christmas.


During his time representing the UK at food conferences, Robert Corrigan discovered that many farmers were unhappy about the tendency for chefs to mostly use prime cuts of meat, and discard lesser cuts of good meat. On returning to Scotland, he decided to embark on a new business making high-quality handmade pies using these ingredients. After seeking advice from producers of Melton Mowbray pies, and long hours working at home to perfect his pie-making techniques, he founded Mr C’s Hand-Crafted Pies. He went on to sell his high-quality pies across the UK, winning many awards that include a Gold Medal at the British Pie Awards 2014 for his Scottish Wild Venison Pie.