Decortwist Easter Basket Biscuits

The Easter bunny would be delighted with these little baskets, and anyone you serve them to will be just as pleased. And while they might look like something only a professional cake decorator could come up with, Decortwist’s clever Fondant Icing Shaper will turn out the handles, basketweave and grass with just a few twists of its handle, so nobody has to know just how false your really-they-were-easy modesty is!

What you’ll need

What you do

Once you’ve baked a batch of Easter egg-shaped biscuits of your choice (our Easy-Peasy Spring Bug Biscuits recipe works well), and they’re fully cooled, you’re ready to start decorating.

With disc number 20 slotted into place and brown icing inside the Decortwist, turn the handle to create long strips of basketweave. You’ll need 6 vertical strips and 4 horizontal strips for each biscuit – once you have long enough lengths, cut them down to size and weave them together to make a piece big enough to cover the bottom half of each biscuit. 

Brush a little edible glue onto the bottom half of the biscuit. Carefully lift the basketweave ‘mat’ and position it on top, then trim off any excess.

To make the handles of the baskets, slot disc number 6 into place, turn the handle, and then give the lengths a twist before cutting to size to fit round the top of each biscuit. Again, use edible glue to hold them in place.

You can use the Decortwist to make the grass, too – put green icing inside, slot disc number 18 on the end and turn to get lots of little green strands. Dab a little more edible glue onto the biscuits and position short lengths of the strands on top.

Mould the little eggs out of fondant icing, in whatever colours you fancy. Once you’ve shaped your clutch, mix 1 tsp cocoa powder with a few drops of hot water to make a ‘paint’. Use a clean brush (we used a toothbrush) and your thumb to flick the paint onto the eggs to give them a speckled appearance. Leave them to dry, then stick to your biscuits above the grass.