PME Level Baking Belt - Fits 28cm Round Tin
Product number: 32125
Particularly good for fruit cake mixtures that need to cook for a long time – and when you’re cooking several sponge cakes that are going to be stacked, PME’s 43" Baking Belt works like a thermal jacket to protect your cake mix from the fierce heat of the oven. The result? Your cake cooks and rises evenly without cracking on top or being too dry around the edges.
What you do
Simply soak the belt in cold water and remove the excess without wringing, then wrap around the cake tin and secure using the loops – this version fits tins 23-28cm Dia. that are at least 8cm (3") deep; and square tins from 15-23cm square (6-9") – then bake your cake as per the recipe.
How it works:
The fabric and its dampened inner wadding reflect heat and insulate the tin so the heat of your oven is forced to cook the mixture evenly from the base of the tin upwards for a more even, level bake.
Please note: do not allow the Baking Belt to make contact with any heating elements, gas flames or the sides of the oven.
About Knightsbridge PME
Since securing contracts with the British Army Catering Corps in 1970 to manufacture their cake decorating supplies – yes, soldiers eat cakes too! – London-based PME (Precision Machining Engineers) have focused their engineering expertise on producing high-quality cake decorating equipment. A merger with the Knightsbridge Bakeware Centre followed, and they now run several highly respected cake decorating schools around the world, in addition to creating innovative, durable cake decorating products.
Product dimensions
109 x 7cm.