I bought these bags earlier this year to put my new year's resolution of using fewer plastic bags into practice. And it has been going well, as these are now used to carry home my loose veg, especially onions, which are much cheaper loose than pre-packaged.They also get me talking to checkout staff and fellow customers, who are all very jealous and looking slightly sheepish at using lots of plastic bags. Now he's spotted an opportunity to claim the moral highground, my husband will make sure we bring them along for every shop... ;-)I am happy to recommend these little bags, with only one little reservation. You know when you weigh your shopping and print a little sticky label? Well, they don't stick to these bags, so if there is ever going to be re-design, please can we have an area for sticky labels? Not too good, mind you, so the stickers come off again and the bags can be reused. In the meantime, if you fold them over, the labels usually stay near the bags, at least until after the goods have been paid for.